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What does market research mean? Market research is a means of marketing to obtain information about the relevant sales market or the sales markets of an Import Export company. For this purpose, the data are systematically and predominantly determined using scientific methods. Effective market research is an important factor when it comes to developing a successful sales strategy for a company and thus increasing sales and - ideally - company profits.
Market research - what is it?
What are the goals of market research?
What market research uses
The individual phases of market research
The market research process
Which market research companies are there?
What are the goals of market researchWhat tools does market research use?
In order to use a marketing instrument successfully, it is necessary to know the sales market down to the smallest detail. Thus, the information that can be obtained from market research is the basis of the marketing measures. This information supports you in choosing the right marketing measures, be it for a new product launch or as a sales support measure for a product that has already been launched. With the data that is determined by market research, the causes of sales problems can also be identified and analyzed.
With the tools of market research, the decision-making quality in the company with regard to sales promotion can be decisively improved. In detail this means:
The minimization of the risk of wrong decisions
The early and timely identification of trends, opportunities and risks in the relevant markets.
Support for decision-making within a company
The improvement of the level of information for the decision-makers in relation to:
Importers and exporters must have transparency through data if they want to manage supply chains in the face of such massive global change. Increasing capacity on a trade may appear to be an obvious benefit for shippers, but if it leads to congestion and delays – especially if larger ships are deployed and port infrastructure is put under strain – then it presents supply chain risk.How do you do market research? Market research is usually carried out as follows: The current market situation is determined by market research. This can be done either once or at regular intervals. While the market is being observed, the current market development is analyzed and the market forecast is created from the data from the analysis and the observation - i.e. the likely development of the market in the future.
If those responsible have agreed on a market investigation, it must be specified in advance what exactly is to be investigated. Only those who ask the question precisely and precisely will receive a suitable answer.
The problem is formulated
The study design is determined
The sources of information are determined
Who does the market research? - the definition of the executing.
The sample is selected.
The survey instrument is designed.
The data collection is carried out.
The data is edited and encoded.
The data is analyzed and interpreted.
The research results are presented.
In sales research, the person carrying out the research deals with the potential customers, their needs, their purchasing power and their motivation to buy. In addition, an attempt is made to find out what image the respondent has of the company and its products or services. So you can have the image of your own brand examined in a market study.
How does the customer imagine the optimal product properties.
How does this imagine the product name.
What does he think of the performance, the quality, the design and the packaging?
What are his thoughts on the price of the product?
How do all these properties have to be combined in order to create the optimal product?
Competitive research is then about the competitors. That means the market research looks exactly at:
Which providers are already available for the product.
The sources of information are determinedWhich products are comparable and could compete with your own product?
As a rule, the large companies have their own market research department. In smaller companies, on the other hand, there are those responsible for marketing, the so-called product managers. They usually do market research "on the side". But even in large companies, the market research projects are not always carried out themselves. Here, too, the marketing departments usually commission specialized market research companies to carry out studies.
In sales research, the person carrying out the research deals with the potential customers, their needs, their purchasing power and their motivation to buy. In addition, an attempt is made to find out what image the respondent has of the company and its products or services. So you can have the image of your own brand examined in a market study.In terms of sales, the following global companies are top in terms of market research. Internationally active companies often fall back on the global players in the industry because they can carry out their market research in different countries in parallel. Local peculiarities and cultural differences can thus be ideally taken into account. In this way, the regional characteristics of the consumers do not falsify the result.
The Nielsen Company
Kantar Group
Association for Consumer Research
Ipsos Group
Westat Inc.
There is also a corresponding ranking list for the German market. After all, there are many companies that operate exclusively in the local market. It is sufficient to entrust market research to a company that offers its services exclusively in Germany. In contrast to the largest providers in the industry, the smaller market research institutes in Germany do a good job when evaluations are required especially for local customers.
Society for consumer research for short GFK SE
TNS Infratest
AC Nielse
Depending on the scope of the study, several tools are used as part of a market survey. In addition to the classic surveys (also online if desired), it is above all data mining that has recently become more and more important within market research institutes in Germany. By analyzing the amount of data that is generated when consuming online, companies can gain many useful and insightful insights. One of the pioneers in data mining is without a doubt the online retail giant Amazon.
The enormous amount of data that the online retailer collects during a purchase is used profitably. In this way, customers can be made even more precise product suggestions. The company meticulously analyzes which products are particularly popular and why buyers drop out.
The market analysis determines the current market situation once or at certain intervals, while the market observation researches the current development of a market. The market forecast , the likely development of the market in the future, is worked out from the data from the analysis and observation.
The marketing research is concerned with the potential customer, his needs, his purchasing power, its purchasing motives and his image of the company and its products.
The marketing research is concerned with the potential customer, his needs, his purchasing power, its purchasing motives and his image of the company and its products.As part of product research, market research determines information for the design of the individual products as a planning aid for the company's product policy: How does the potential customer imagine the optimal product properties - the product name, the performance, the quality, the design, the packaging, the brand and the price of the product? How would these properties have to be combined in order to achieve the optimal product?
The competitive researchdeals with the competition. Which providers are there for this product? Which comparable products could compete with your own product? How and under what conditions are these products offered? How do customers feel about these products?
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